Nov 28, 2023Liked by Bronwyn Kelly

Thank you Bronwyn for the article. Exactly that way that I had read it but just wish to add that the argument also states that not only does a soldier have a duty to the monarch or representatives but also a sole duty to the orders/actions of immediate supervisor....effectively contradicting the Nuremberg trials resolution where many defendents used the excuse of 'not guilty because I was only following orders', cheers

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Thank you Bronwyn - you have illustrated in a simple fashion how the British monarchy, its Crown government, and its elites have effectively taken control of the Australian nation that our family's forefathers hacked out of the wilderness, and as usual and in the standard British way, they've done it by being sneaky, treacherous and corrupt - What is most interesting about this issue and the points you raise is that it applies to Britain itself, to all of the British Commonwealth nations and to the European nations that still have their Roman Catholic Church monarchies, which is the source of the governments we call The Crown - it exists all over Europe. And so the Roman Empire families of Britain and Europe, and their monarchies maintain control over their nations as if they were still absolute monarchies and apply it to their colonies, which are pretending to be independent. France still rules many nations in Africa through its central banks! Another monarchial era construct for wealth extraction.

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Absolutely support a project which speaks to so many issues of justice, equality, and the realisation of capacity within society which is otherwise unmet or misdirected. Thank you for your efforts on our behalf. I'm happy to spread the word. One might wonder, when the armature of established institution is so antagonistic to real democracy, whether party politics is redeemable in any way.

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Oh gosh yes, I certainly wonder about that!

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Thanks Bronwyn, an enlightening analysis. Looks like it is the same oath for Federal and State Police too. It is interesting to consider what course the necessary and relevant changes would take, but that is exactly what you are articulating in respect of a People's Constitution. How much of the enduring nature of this condition of subservience (rather than sovereignty) is sustained by popular ignorance? Nor has any situation arisen that might be considered a test, other than the case of whistleblowers such as David McBride. Yet it is unlikely to be highlighted in press that the public interest, for all intents and purposes, does not exist. It is difficult to imagine that power would be devolved or reassigned without confrontation with institutions that theoretically have physical and legislative force at their disposal.

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Yes it is difficult to imagine that powers could be redistributed without confrontation with those who have power now and who will not want to share it. But there must be a way through. At the moment I think just spreading the word about a people's constitution is the best place to start. From there we need to make the major political parties see what's in it for them - survival. Thanks for your support.

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