The State of Australia
The Australia Together Podcast
Episode 51: Talking about a Vision for a better future for everyone.

Episode 51: Talking about a Vision for a better future for everyone.

The Vision for Australia Together.

Listen to ACFP’s Executive Director David Kelly talk with Founder Bronwyn Kelly about the Vision for Australia Together in this Episode of the Australia Together Podcast.

Australia Together

Australian Community Futures Planning has been experimenting for the last four years with a planning process and format that can be used by any and every Australian to chart a safe course to the future they prefer. The planning process is called National Integrated Planning & Reporting, and the plan being produced by use of that process is called Australia Together.

This is Australia’s first community driven, long term, integrated plan for the nation. It’s a comprehensive plan for our wellbeing and security that starts with a Vision about the future Australians have said they want to share - the Vision for Australia Together.

The Vision for Australia Together

The Vision for Australia Together is a distillation of what Australians have been saying they want for their future as individuals and for their nation as a whole whenever they’ve been asked about that in surveys and other community engagement and research programs in the 21st century. It’s their descriptions of the country and society they want to live in. It summarises those descriptions on one page in 17 lines.

Based on this Vision, ACFP has been able to coordinate production of drafts of an integrated plan containing strategies for safe travel toward the future described in the Vision. These drafts are getting stronger in terms of their capacity to help Australians make the Vision for Australia Together a reality - possibly within a decade - and to travel to that destination at the lowest possible long run cost.

Any Australian can make suggestions about the Vision and the plan at any time here and here. Everyone is welcome to participate.

Want to know more about Australia Together?

Australia Together is the nation’s first community designed and driven long term, integrated plan for a better future. It’s designed to help Australians make the best future we can imagine in the 2020s a reality by 2050 or sooner.

Browse the latest Issue of Australia Together - Issue No. 8 - here.


Find out more about Australia Together here.

Want to comment on Australia Together?

Feedback on the Vision for Australia Together and suggestions about the Targets and Strategies in the plan are always welcome at ACFP by email at

Find out how to make a suggestion about Australia Together here.

Comment on the Vision for Australia Together here.

Up next on the Australia Together Podcast:

Planning to secure our future before time runs out: Interviewing Professor Mark Beeson on prospects for shifting world leaders towards cooperation to build a safe future.

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The State of Australia
The Australia Together Podcast
A podcast featuring ideas and strategies to secure a better future for Australia.