This is the final episode in our series of conversations with a range of inspiring Australians about Targets and Strategies in Australia Together.
Australia Together is the nation’s first long term, integrated plan for a better future for everyone. It is being progressively developed by Australians for Australians so that we can tell our governments what we want them to do for us as a cohesive, democratic community.
In this episode ACFP’s Executive Director David Kelly and Founder Bronwyn Kelly discuss progress with the Australia Together project and barriers to its implementation, chief among them being Australia’s laws on electoral funding which are undermining the ability of Australians to participate as political equals in their own democracy.
Last week Bronwyn posted an article on the Strategies currently in Australia Together for electoral reform. The article shows how strategies to stop corruption of elections are necessary to achieve political equality for Australians.
Ideas raised during the series will be translated into Issue No. 8 of Australia Together, due for release by August 2024.
Listen to the series of Conversations about Australia Together at these links:
Episode 44: Australians can elect parliaments that work for them - with David and Bronwyn Kelly.
Episode 45: Strategies for fixing Australia’s housing crisis - with Maiy Azize.
Episode 46: Strategies for reforming Australia’s Constitution - with David and Bronwyn Kelly.
Episode 47: Strategies for stopping climate change - with Julian Cribb.
Episode 48: Strategies for achieving peace, security and independent defence of Australia - with Dr Alison Broinowski.
Episode 49: Strategies for fairness in Australia including a National Accord on Wealth, Welfare and Wellbeing and a Universal Basic Income - with Dr John Tons.
Want to know more about Australia Together?
Australia Together is the nation’s first community designed and driven long term, integrated plan for a better future. It’s designed to help Australians make the best future we can imagine in the 2020s a reality by 2050 or sooner.
Browse the last Issue of Australia Together - Issue No. 7 - here.
Episode 50: Conversations about Australia Together - Part 7